The Mandelbrot set with three dimensions

Some setup

import chaoseverywhere as chaos
from mayavi import mlab

Is it really a fractal in 3-dimensional fractal ?

The Mandelbrot set is defined by its famous equation \(z_{n+1}=z_n^2+c\). Having a 3-dimensional visualization of this set is very complex and to be considered a 3D fractal, we need to keep the fractal part of the object. We often consider the Mandelbulb as the 3-dimensional representation of the Mandelbrot set. However, we can’t make a 3D Mandelbrot set in the way we’d like to be. So in this package you won’t be able to see a Mandelbulb or some bootleg version of that can be found of it. Here we will only use the third dimension to see the speed of divergence of the points.


First, we define the function of the Mandelbrot set \(f(z,c):\mathbb{C}\times\mathbb{C}\longrightarrow\mathbb{C}\) as above.

def transform(z,c):
    return(z**2 + c)

Then, we use the Mandelbrot_disp class in this package to create a basis for the set, and then we use mayavi to display our work.

mandel = chaos.Mandelbrot_disp(1.5,0,2.5, precision=600).mandel_transform(FUN=transform)
mlab.figure(size=(800, 800)), colormap='bones', warp_scale='auto', vmax=1.5)

The hidden part of the iceberg

We can clearly see the different speed of divergence, so let’s take a look around them. On one side we see the points inside the Mandelbrot set and we can observe a denser part at the extrimity along the the real axis. On the flipped side, we can see that there is a sharp contrast between the speed of divergence of most of the points, and the one the nearest to boundary.

You can produce the same animation using the code below.

chaos.Mandelbrot_disp(-.5,0,1.5, 200,500).anim_pics_mandel(go_up=False)